Tuesday, August 20, 2002

i'm going to sydney with matt in november for the weekend. should be good, i think. we're going over to see the star wars exhibition at some big museum which i have temporarily forgotten the name of. i really should try and remember because im supposed to be looking up info about it today. aaaah, smithsonian institute, there we go.....anyway, so i've been looking up what bands are going to be playing wile we're there and i cant find any :( that sucks. i wanted to go and hang out at the cool pubs with the cool people and do all that cool stuff, you know? ah well.

what else what else....i went to see mary yesterday. she said i was doing so well i dont have to see her for two weeks. i actually felt pretty good yesterday. i did lots of good things this weekend and yesterday

we bought a nice table
we looked at a new car for me
we cleaned our bedroom, even under the bed
we cleaned eli's room
we cleaned xanders room
we cleaned the lounge
we did some gardening
i made tea every night, NO TAKEAWAY!!!
i reverse parallel parked my car for only the 4th time in history (once in my driving test, twice cos i had to and then yesterday)
i made biscuits
i realised just how much i need my medicine and that its not for making me happy, its for making me handle things normally
i did three loads of washing and put them away instead of just piling them up
im making carfty things for the fete
i put my car up for sale without getting too upset

look at all those things! i'm achieving something

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