Wednesday, October 26, 2005


yeah, i know. quiet. well, not exactly quiet, just not wordy.

been to a couple of gigs lately. missy higgins and ben lee, as you would have read about below, and the whitlams on friday night. there are some photos from the missy and ben show here on vickis blog.

friday night was fun. i got to take tom to see the whitlams. i explained beforehand that whitlams fans were of the 'singing very loudly' type, and made sure to include 'by now pay later' on the mixed cd i made him. i think it prepared him a little but possibly not entirely. yeah, they're a piano based band, but fuck, can jak rock out on that guitar. and i dont know that tim could scream any louder, or bang on those keys any harder.

tom has asked for some live whitlams tracks and i am happy to oblige

once you go live...

this saturday night i'll be venturing back to the gov to see you am i. its been quite a while since i've seen you am i. i think maybe the last time they were playing at the tiv? or whatever it was called then...maybe heaven. thank fuck for the gov, huh.
the thing thats putting me off seeing them is that a certain person will be there. this person has every right in the world to be there. and every right in the world to be there with the person they'll be there with. its just that i dont want to see it. im fine for it to happen, i just dont want to see it. is that wrong of me?

she tells her parents she's sleeping at her friends house instead of his, for fucks sake...


banjo was in surgery for an hour and a half 'but i'll only charge you for a 45 minute surgery' says the vet. well thankyou. why it costs $1000 to cut open a cat is beyond me, but apparently she's doing well and i should be able to bring her home tomorrow afternoon or maybe friday morning.

inside her small intestine, and reaching out either side into her stomach and intestines, was a ball of cat and people hair. she had a hair ball. thats all. it was a particularly nasty one though, and she needed to be sliced in three places to get it all out. poor baby cat. but as personwhosnameimustnevermention said, she's a tough little bitch

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