Thursday, January 11, 2007


this year's big day out is sold out. luckily kirsty and i decided to get our tickets last week or we would be spewing

in truth, i only really got a ticket because i knew id be mad at myself if it came to that day, and i was at work, when i knew i had every opportunity to be at the big day out. the bands werent all that fantastic. i've seen all the big names, and if i havemt, i dont care to see them (my chemical romance, anyone?). but it was when they released the smaller names that i got excited

the last time i say you am i was just before i went away. they played at the gov, and it was one of the hardest shows ive seen them do, ending with tim screaming on the floor with no shirt on

i cant wait

photo by the wonderfulwonderfulsexytalented daniel boud

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